Oxy/Deca/Logue is an abstract nonsensical term, open to interpretation rather than devoid of meaning. It is the title of a new exhibition by Ashwan and Simon Vazquez opening Friday March 26th at BienCuadrado Gallery.
Oxy may refer to oxygenate or the process of oxidization, of the rusting and decay of metals exposed to the elements. It also conjures up the word 'oxymoron' where apparently contradictory terms appear together in conjunction.
While Deca means ten it also forms the start of the words ‘decay’ and decadent’. A Decalogue is a set of ten rules, such as the Ten Commandments. In isolation 'Logue' has no direct meaning but perhaps refers to a dialogue, catalogue or even analogue. In any case, it is a back and forth between what constitutes the rules and what one is presented with.
Oxy/deca/logue opens the conversation between the works of the artists. Decadent, indulgent and definitely analogue, these artworks reference the brutality of time and degradation of facades but not in a way that pities. In this dialogue the breakdown of rules, form and at times unconventional beauty is something to celebrate and take joy from.
Simon's characters come from an orgy of a raw cabaret, dated in terms of patina, cultural style and references. They somehow come from a parallel universe where time and stories seem fixed: spivs, dandies and rockers live alongside smoking dogs and older ladies of the night. Debauchery has clearly taken its toll and left its mark.
Ashwan's paintings tease with visuals of street art and graffiti yet are focused on the layers, textures and sense of time. The crumbling, post-industrial urban walls that despite our best efforts to keep pristine eventually fall victim of air, water and the years. Streaks of rust hold the compositions together in large abstract canvas works that ultimately are decorative interpretations of the urban landscape.
A dialogue over whose version of 'beauty' occurs, with the rules of time ultimately winning.
Come and join us at BienCuadrado from March 26th until April 30th 2021.
Due to the uncertainties of the pandemic, hours will not be fixed, so it is best to confirm your visit in advance.
The inauguration will take place on Friday 26th of March from 3 to 7pm. We will restrict numbers inside the gallery to maintain safety.
We hope to see you.