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Kristin Sagli

Kristin Sagli (b.1977) gained a degree in scientific illustration from Mälardalens högskola, Sweden before she discovered a passion for animation. Kristin has been working as a 3d artist in New Zealand and Sweden before arriving in Spain, where she currently works with cgi at a major post production house in Barcelona.
Her personal work is in many ways similar to animation, both in process and effect. Her intricate graphite drawings appear to open up as the viewer’s mind and eye is invited in to a new world of abstract forms, mingling with flora and fauna. The viewer is her own guide in these suggestive landscapes where anything can appear in the corner of the eye.

Ambiguous in their nature, these pencil drawings conjure ideas of life and abundance in the undergrowth of the forest floor. It is a landscape filled with beauty, vitality and seduction. It is through the seduction that we fear becoming trapped. Lured into the depths by a wisp perhaps, but it is not the wisp that is the threat here, the wisp is still playful. This sensation comes from time itself. The natural flora and fauna wraps its arms slowly around us. Perhaps this fear of mother nature is a sign of how far removed we have become from it, or perhaps a sign that we have become so creative at mimicking it that we are no longer sure of exactly what we can trust and what we cannot.

Kristin let´s herself be seduced by the process, starting with the most basic and traditional of tools: pencil and paper. Using her own nymph like delicacy, she traces invisible lines from her minds eye and an organic process of growth begins. With the colour works, when the pencil drawings are complete, she scans them and a further nurturing takes place digitally as colours are gently and gradually built up. A process that mimics renaissance oil painting techniques and is clearly a nod to the old masters, but Kristin is one of the new masters.

Kristin had her inaugural solo exhibition with BienCuadrado in 2017 and since then has shown in multiple group shows.

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